"Nailed Skull Records is the first netlabel 100% committed with metal. We’re a team of Portuguese young blood just dying to quaver the whole world with some loud guitar riffs, heavy drums and powerful voices.
As everyone knows, in this digital music age, netlabels spread like a good kind of virus. Despite that, we find it hard to believe that there are only a few netlabel projects exclusively dedicated to metal, a musical genre so loved and so hated at the same time.
But guess what? We love metal and we’re so proud of doing this with the bands that are already working with us and with the several ones we expect to be working with as soon as possible. Without you, fellow musicians, this would be nothing but an unfinished dream.
As Russell Hammond in Cameron Crowe’s Almost Famous, we love everything about music. Music is like a revolutionary power. Music is like an earthquake. Or it could be just a metal music reaching out of a kid sound system. But be sure about something, that kid will never be the same again…
So, my friends, we are here to release and support metal bands doing everything that is possible to spread your art and contribute to your success.
So don’t talk about money, just talk about and listen to music.
Enjoy it. It’s all about art, freedom and great, heavy and loudly metal!"
À Nailed Skull só podemos desejar o maior sucesso!
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» Nailed Skull Records